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Kaylah Ovel

Aplington-Parkersburg student Kaylah Ovel had a great experience with Iowa State Bank in Aplington. Her opportunity to learn in the workplace shows the positive impact in Iowa that is created when the intermediaries of the Iowa Intermediary Network make connections between students, schools, and businesses.

In Aplington, the staff at Iowa State Bank worked with the work-based learning coordinators at Hawkeye Community College and educators at Cedar Valley West high school to arrange Kaylah's internship. Kaylah was mentored by an Iowa State Bank employee who was herself a graduate of the Aplington-Parkersburg schools. During Kaylah's internship, she learned banking basics and the essentials of customer service. Her internship, which happened during her sophomore year in high school, led to the mastery of more complex skills, additional responsibilities, and a job as a part-time employee.

Kaylah reported gaining increased confidence from her internship experience. She gained communication and life skills as she made phone calls, tackled more complex professional work skills, and learned about the importance of respectful workplace interactions. The increased confidence was also evident in her extra-curricular activities. Those activities included a musical, a play, and opportunities in the school's speech program.

Iowa State Bank in Aplington was pleased to gain a part-time employee for two years and with the opportunity to show students the career opportunities that are available in the local community. 

The partnership with Iowa State Bank has led talented local students to choose careers in the community and shows other students that opportunities in fulfilling careers can be found in Iowa and close to home.



Would you like to discover your passion? Parents, students, educators and business/organization partners are invited to contact their IIN Coodinator to get INvolved!  Visit the contact page, type in your zip code, and be in touch with your your regional coordinator by phone or email. 

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